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PALA products from Kulzer now in the range
Perfectly suited for your impressions and prosthetics, Pala products convince not only with their chic design, but above all with their quality.
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AIDITE has ideally tailored solutions for your workflow with PMMA. Reliable cutters and high quality PMMA is waiting for you!
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U 35 Edelmetallreduzierte Universallegierung Au 2% Ag 58% Pd 32,9% Zn 3,5% Ir 0,05% Sn 2% Ru 0,05% In 1,5%42,90 €
B 56 Edelmetallreduzierte Aufbrennlegierung Pd 56% Ru 0,2% Ag 32% Sn 8,8% Ga 2% In 1%50,90 €
U 65 Edelmetallreduzierte Universallegierung Au 55% In 4% Pd 10% Zn 1,4% Ir 0,1% Sn 0,5% Ag 29%80,90 €
U 81 Hochgoldhaltige Universallegierung Au 74% Ag 14,5% Pt 1,5% Zn 3,3% Pd 5,5% In 1% Ir 0,1% Ta 0,1%97,50 €
B 98 Hochgoldhaltige Aufbrennlegierung Au 85,9% Pt 11,7% Rh 0,2% Ir 0,05% Zn 1,5% Nb 0,4% Mn 0,1% In 0,1% Fe 0,05%109,90 €